Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cozy Days

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I know I haven't posted in a couple days, and I know that I said I'd post a "what-I-wore" post, but things didn't quite go as planned. I did take some photos (by myself) but I didn't find them to be what I wanted, so I'm going to wait until I can barrow a friend to have a little shoot ourselves.

Above is what I call my winter sweater / cozy sweater. I found it at UO in the sale rack, marked down from $128, to $40! All because the "sash" was missing. Fine by me, I immediately snatched it up and have had it since. I love this sweater, it's perfect for almost all cold-weather/snuggling up occasions.

Also, I just have felt very lazy recently. I half blame the heat, 80's are enough to make me want to stay inside a cool, dark, area, rather than go out and enjoy the sun. My nights have been spent catching up on movies. I've watched Bridget Jone's Diary twice this week.

It's obviously one of my favorites ;]

Have a lovely week and I'll post again on Saturday!

1 comment:

wishwishwish said...

i've had lots of cozy days recently too! xx